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LITTLE MISS MISS LMM is a girl in a great big world just taking life as it comes.  She loves to play (especially "talking" with figures of all sorts), loves to "read" books to others, and probably most of all, LOVES to be outdoors.  Her adventurous spirit is limitless and fascinating to all who are fortunate enough to know her.

ELYSE CONWAY Elyse is LMM's Mom.  Art, and probably more accurately, crafting, had been a primary focus since childhood. What started with a needle and thread eventually progressed to paper and pencil.  Then when writing and LMM's personality met, well, there was just no stopping it... The Adventures of Little Miss Miss was born.   

TYLER BOYE Tyler has been shooting around the US and internationally for the last fifteen years and his work can be seen in W Magazine, Time, InStyle Magazine, and more. Though Tyler has been busy flying out to la to shoot the Academy Awards, Grammys and Golden Globes for the past 10 years or so, we are glad he still has a little time to hang with us!

Hieu Pham Hieu has been photographing moments since 2007.  He recently started photographing amazing little moments with little people and little things while letting them (her!) flourish in front of the camera.

HEIDI ROLAND Heidi creates space for people, big and little, to express their stories and share their own unique essence.  She captures the subtle shifts that hold the spirit of the moment to create our beautiful images. 

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